Saturday, April 11, 2009


i havn't written in a while mainly because of IGs and's wts been going on fr th past few days or sumthng..

..on Tuesday we had an assembly in th morning but i was late so i had to get th letter everyone got from Pemberton nd Bag was ther XDXD..first lesson was bio. and we had our 'disecting frenzy,' it was cool nt only because we were analysing eyes and lungs but because i was asked to get some scissors nd i went to th technician in tht lab in tech block.. and Bag was ther XDXD.

..Chemistry- my group got away with not doing our presentation again.

..PE- we joined mr. Firth's class for handball nd i apparently scared Noor into giving me th worked anyway XDXD.

..Business was o__O

..Magazine was gd..i saw Bag yet again XDXD.

on Wednesday Saher dd tht percentage love thng nd dared me to talk to whoever had the was Jacob so i was supposed to hav untill th end of Wednesday but then i was allowed till Thursday nd now Sunday, otherwise i hav to buy everyone kitkats..thts a lot of riyals.

..Thursday i saw Jacob a lot aftr school XDXD.. I wasnt swimming so i was randomly wondering around school.
I went to Friday's tht night. I also watched American Idol but i cldnt see the whole thng cuz of Friday's but i did see Adam Lambert singing Mad was incredible..way bettr than th original.


  1. -th letter everyone got from Pemberton nd Bag was ther- may be u should appreciate me fr telling u that pemberton was u could c bag.-.-
    and u know other ppl will think u are talking abt twillight when u mentioned Jacob. XD

  2. lol rawan... ur happy when u see bag. nyways dont forget to talk to jacob and i wanna see that scene. i probably will b laughing tho.

  3. who the hell sed u hav till sunday??? i sed u hav to giv us kitkats on sunday u faggot... u better get that change for the 500 riyal note... its bin causin loads of problem... hahaha

  4. Lilly- u keep saying tht!! i thank u soo much happy?? XDXD i dnt wna write his real name wt if one day soap reads this
    Farah- he's a guy from American Idol
    Siti- i know u'll will be rly embarrassing if he. sees u guys laffing
    Saher- u faggot!! u told me i hav till sunday remember?? u were lyk but aww i cnt see cuz of english!!

  5. I lol at this btw is that ur pic in school cuz its disgusting
